Your 2017 Money Checklist

Your 2017 Money Checklist

Wouldn’t it help you to feel in control of your finances if you started 2017 with a plan for being fiscally organized? This year, instead of allowing the financial winds to take you where they may, plan out your year with a money checklist. Besides peace of...
Lost Inheritance and Sudden Wealth Syndrome

Lost Inheritance and Sudden Wealth Syndrome

A 2,000-year-old Chinese proverb “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” still holds up today. It intimates that the first generation works hard to create a fortune; the second generation spends the fortune foolishly; and, the third generation...
Wallet Willpower

Wallet Willpower

As the old adage goes, “money doesn’t grow on trees.” It’s far easier to spend your hard-earned money than it is to earn. Without a tangible, long-term savings and spending plan, you’ll be struggling to make the monthly bills. Even for the most cost-effective...