Using credit cards has become second nature for most people. Whether it is paying for a tank of gas or buying your morning cup of coffee, credit cards are the go-to method of payment. Credit cards are an excellent way to build your credit history, and even earn...
Applying for federal financial aid for college is a stressful and time-consuming process. The great news is there are new FAFSA rules in place starting this year that will make the application process simpler and less stressful for your college-bound kid. 1. You can...
Your auto finance manager wants to close the deal as much as you want to buy the car. You both want to find an affordable finance option so you leave with a new vehicle and the dealership acquires a sale. When considering a new or used vehicle purchase, be bold and...
Brexit, England’s exit from the E.U. (European Union), is a hot topic in the news with many British citizens cheering. You’ve probably heard the term at least once, but may not understand why so many people are happy about it. And will it affect the U.S....