Only 1% of American households showcase at least $10 million. Did you know that most millionaires are self-made? Some 80% of millionaires carved their own way by curating their own opportunities as financially intelligent people. Here are the 12 habits of a financial...
In the wake of Covid-19, our personal finances are more vulnerable than ever. Key industries have been hit, leaving millions of Americans dependent on unemployment. With rising healthcare costs and an economy struggling to bounce back to normal, it’s no secret...
The economy has lost jobs, the coronavirus is still infecting people, people who have jobs may have taken a pay cut and/or gotten more work to do. On top of that, there are protests going on because a police officer killed a black man in Minneapolis. People are...
It came on so fast. We were all living our regular lives one minute, and then we were being asked to shelter in place the next. The coronavirus pandemic has impacted us in many ways, including financially. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of...
The idea of buying and owning a home is an exciting one. When you own a home, there are many benefits: for example; no worry of the landlord selling the place your living in, no more noisy downstairs neighbors, and now the money you are paying towards your mortgage...