The Dangers of “The Government Plan”

The Dangers of “The Government Plan”

If you haven’t realized that tax will always increase, let this serve as a wake-up call to that reality. It has been quite clear least for the past 20 years that the day of reckoning is upon us, which is purely based on arithmetic and not a prediction. A huge...
Save Now or Forever Lose Your Interest

Save Now or Forever Lose Your Interest

It sounds harsh when you read articles that tell you to save now or you’re bound to lose out on some arbitrary but massive amount of money. The reality is, putting off a savings plan for any amount of time is harsh. So, why do so many people choose not to save...
Four Major Red Flags That Can Trigger an IRS Audit

Four Major Red Flags That Can Trigger an IRS Audit

The chance of the IRS auditing your returns is slim. A recent Treasury Department Report shows that IRS only audited 0.45% of individual returns in the 2019 fiscal year. Almost half of these returns are for filers that claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit. According...
4 Daily Money Mistakes Drowning Your Finances

4 Daily Money Mistakes Drowning Your Finances

Habitual money mistakes that may seem trivial right now can blow up your finances down the line. Among other daily mistakes like impulse buying, here are three of the most common money mistakes people make. Leaving no room for comfort spending While saving money is a...
The Prosperity Model: Climbing Your Way to the Top

The Prosperity Model: Climbing Your Way to the Top

Many people are struggling financially in America, yet a select few are doing incredibly well. You can learn their secrets if you listen to them: The rich get richer because they make their money work for them. Too often, the poor get poorer because they don’t...
Why Is It So Hard to Stick to a Budget?

Why Is It So Hard to Stick to a Budget?

Creating and sticking to a budget is hard. There are lots of quick tricks and tips that people use to get a hold of their finances, like no spending challenges or ripping up credit cards and only using cash, but without developing a sound framework, these tricks...