24 Hours of Happiness

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Financial, Economic and Money News

Designated by the United Nations, March 20th is the International Day of Happiness. It is also the beginning of spring. The day promises to be a fresh start.

Happiness starts with you. On March 20, do a simple act of happiness. All it takes is a smile, opening a door for a stranger, giving extra hug to a loved one or lending a hand at a local charity and you’re part of the happiness movement. Your good action will cause a ripple of reciprocal acts of happiness.

Show the world that happiness matters. Positive emotions have positive effects on health, longevity, personal relationships, creativity, and work satisfaction. Happy people tend to be more successful. With all these proven benefits, we need to make happiness a priority for ourselves and our communities.

Happiness has its own day. Do your part. Let’s make happiness a daily priority.